Homework assignments

HW08: Collecting and analyzing data from the web

Collect data from the web and analyze it.

HW07: Machine learning

Implement machine learning methods for regression and classification.

HW06: Generating reproducible research

Synthesize everything we have learned thus far.

HW05: Debugging and generating R Markdown documents

Resolve code errors and generate reproducible R Markdown documents.

HW04: Programming in R

Implement elemental programming techniques in both contrieved and real-world scenarios.

HW03: Wrangling and visualizing data

Wrangle and explore messy datasets in practical research environments.

HW02: Exploring and visualizing data

Transform and explore a cleaned dataset on gun deaths in the United States.

HW01: Edit README.md

Test your software installation, our GitHub setup, and our homework submission process via pull request, as well as demonstrate competency in Markdown.